Photo Gallery: A 3D Printer is Worth a Thousand Words
A 3D-printed College of Engineering logo stands among other designs from Assistant Professor of Teaching Vivian Vuong. (Mario Rodriguez/UC Davis)
UC Davis engineers show passion and creativity with this accessible technology

by Matt Marcure | Engineering Progress Magazine 2024-25
From helping realize augmented reality goggles for improved surgical procedures to cactus pencil holders and a to-scale replica of a Tyrannosaurus Rex, engineers at the University of California, Davis, are using 3D printers to create forward-thinking solutions and express their creative side.
Explore collections of photos that demonstrate the value of 3D-printed solutions, showcase the College of Engineering’s vibrant community and hint at the creativity and shared humanity underneath all engineering discoveries.
Finding Community
Making Space for Creativity
Facilitating Success

This article was featured in our 2024-2025 digital edition of Engineering Progress Magazine. Read more stories.