The College of Engineering is represented in several buildings on the UC Davis campus, including Kemper Hall, Bainer Hall, Ghausi Hall, Academic Surge Building and the Genome and Biomedical Sciences Facility. Engineering-related research, instruction and administration occur in these buildings as well as those listed below. Explore the college's newest and unique spaces, such as the Coffee Center and the Diane Bryant Engineering Student Design Center, as well as department- and campus-managed facilities.
College-Wide Facilities

Center for Molecular and Genomic Imaging
The Center for Molecular and Genomic Imaging (CMGI) provided dedicated, state-of-the-art animal and biospecimen imaging technologies to investigators at UC Davis and other research institutions. Our imaging modalities include PET, SPECT, CT, MRI, optical (fluorescence and bioluminescence), high resolution CT specimen scanning and autoradiography.

Center for Nano and Micro Manufacturing
The Center for Nano and Micro Manufacturing (CNM2) provides the UC Davis campus community with a full spectrum of state-of-the-art micro-nanofabrication equipment, processes, and services. CNM2 enables nanometer-scale lithography, deposition, etching, and characterization capabilities for leading-edge research in electronics, optics and biomedical devices.

Coffee Center
The UC Davis Coffee Center is the first multidisciplinary university research center to address the challenges and needs of the coffee industry through a holistic approach to coffee science and education.

Diane Bryant Engineering Student Design Center
The Diane Bryant Engineering Student Design Center (ESDC) provides manufacturing education, resources, and support for students of every engineering discipline as they work on projects for classes, research, independent study, and student design competition clubs.
Department-Managed Facilities

Advanced Materials Characterization and Testing Laboratory
The Advanced Materials Characterization and Testing laboratory (AMCaT) is a shared resource facility in Kemper Hall that is available to all interested users on and off campus. AMCaT supports a wide variety of electron microscopes, including aberration-corrected scanning transmission electron microscopes for the characterization of both hard and soft materials.

Biological and Agricultural Engineering Shop
The Biological and Agricultural Engineering (BAE) Shop provides support services to UC Davis Research Projects through the design and fabrication of equipment. BAE faculty, students, and visiting scholars are welcome to use the tools and machines within the shop once they have completed departmental shop and equipment specific BAE safety training.

Center for Geotechnical Modeling
The Center for Geotechnical Modeling (CGM) provides users access to world-class geotechnical modeling facilities, including 9-m and 1-m radius centrifuges with shaking tables, to enable major advances in the ability to predict and improve the performance of soil and soil-structure systems affected by earthquake, wave, wind and storm surge loadings.

Space Technology Research Institute for Deep Space Habitat Design
The Space Technology Research Institute for Deep Space Habitat Design houses the Habitats Optimized for Missions of Exploration (HOME). The HOME research team integrates proven engineering, groundbreaking research, and diverse team-member expertise in systems automation, machine learning, artificial intelligence, predictive analytics, robotics, and human-crewed spacecraft design to develop new paradigms for the design of NASA's deep space habitats.

University of California Pavement Research Center
The University of California Pavement Research Center (UCPRC) conducts research on partial- and full-depth recycling and RHMA-G strategies. The UCPRC uses innovative research and sound engineering principles to improve pavement structures, materials, and technologies.

Western Center for Agricultural Equipment
The Western Center for Agricultural Equipment (WCAE) is a teaching, research, and outreach facility featuring an 18,000 square foot building, agricultural fields, and equipment storage. The WCAE boasts over 300 students, 25 researchers, and approximately 500 visitors to outreach programs and events.

Western Cooling Efficiency Center
The Western Cooling Efficiency Center (WCEC) accelerates development and commercialization of efficient heating, cooling, and energy distribution solutions through stakeholder engagement, innovation, R&D, education and outreach.
Campus-Managed Facilities

Energy and Efficiency Institute
The Energy and Efficiency Institute (EEI) at UC Davis is a leading university institution advancing impactful energy and energy efficiency solutions.

Institute of Transportation Studies
The Institute of Transportation Studies at UC Davis (ITS-Davis) is the leading university center in the world on sustainable transportation, hosting the National Center on Sustainable Transportation since 2013 (awarded by the U.S. Department of Transportation) and managing large research initiatives on energy, environmental, and social issues.

Renewable Energy Anaerobic Digestor
Partnered with CleanWorld, the Renewable Energy Anaerobic Digester (READ) converts food and yard waste into clean energy that feeds into the campus electrical grid.

Tahoe Environmental Research Center
The Tahoe Environmental Research Center (TERC) is dedicated to interdisciplinary research and education to advance the knowledge of aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems and their interactions within natural and developed Earth systems, and to communicate science-informed solutions worldwide.