Awards and Recognition

Our extraordinary faculty and staff are recognized by the college, campus and beyond for their contributions and commitment. They exemplify the pillars of our Next Level Strategic Vision through transformative research, inspiring education and inclusive community.

2023-2024 Awards and Recognition

College of Engineering Awards

  • Outstanding Faculty Awards
  • •    Outstanding Teaching: Angelique Louie, Biomedical Engineering
    •    Outstanding Junior Faculty: Scott J. McCormack, Materials Science and Engineering
    •    Outstanding Mid-Career Faculty: Vladimir Filkov, Computer Science
    •    Outstanding Senior Faculty: Chen-Nee Chuah, Electrical and Computer Engineering

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  • Excellence in Teaching Awards
  • •    Biological and Agricultural Engineering: Ali Moghimi and TA Brenna Gracely
    •    Biomedical Engineering: Anthony Passerini and TA Ben Mattison
    •    Civil and Environmental Engineering: Fabian Bombardelli and TA Lei Zhou
    •    Chemical Engineering: Coleman Kronawitter and TA Fizza Usmani
    •    Materials Science and Engineering: Susan Gentry and TA Hudson Shih
    •    Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering: Francis Assadian and TA Jiahe Chai
    •    Electrical and Computer Engineering: William Putnam and TA Kartik Patwari
    •    Computer Science: Jason Lowe-Power and TA Jia-wei Liang

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  • Outstanding Staff Awards
  • •    Mary McCormack, Dean's Office
    •    Inna Revzin, Biomedical Engineering
    •    Christal Wintersmith, Biomedical Engineering
    •    Emma Wong, Civil and Environmental Engineering

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  • COmEt COmmEndations
  • COmEt COmmEndations are an opportunity to recognize fellow College of Engineering employees who take actions that strengthen our community. Staff, faculty and other academic employees are encouraged to participate and recognize their colleagues.

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Staff Awards and Milestones

  • STAR Awards
  • •    Catherine Cook
    •    Austin Jerome Coyle
    •    Erin Friscia
    •    Rachel M Lebrett
    •    Sylvia Liu
    •    Meshell Louderman
    •    Matthew Marcure
    •    Ammy Martinez
    •    Vishal Narang
    •    Sabrina V Oliver
    •    Adrianna Owens
    •    Elsa Rojas Perez
    •    Maneeshin Y Rajapakse
    •    Rachael Rubinato
    •    Jessica Stoller
    •    Jenny D Verschuur
    •    Wai Yan Emma Wong
    •    Lauren Worrell
    •    Gregory Zebouni
  • Service Awards Recipients
  • 10 Years
    •    Leonardo Alamillo, Dean's Office
    •    Norma Andrade, Shared Services
    •    Ben Clark, Dean's Office
    •    Andrew Cobb, Civil and Environmental Engineering
    •    Shavaun Diallo, Engineering Dean's Office
    •    Chan Kim, Dean's Office
    •    Sheri Kuslak-Meyer, Biomedical Engineering
    •    Miriam Mcdonald, Dean's Office
    •    Joseph Menke, Shared Services
    •    Jessica Rodriguez, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

    15 Years
    •    Anatoliy Ganchenko, Civil and Environmental Engineering
    •    Lisa Hayes, Biomedical Engineering
    •    Rosalind Hyde, Biomedical Engineering
    •    Jessica Stoller, Computer Science

    20 Years
    •    Yesenia Cervantes-Tucker, Dean's Office
    •    Jose Mojica, Dean's Office

    25 Years
    •    Christopher Derr, Dean's Office
    •    Daret Kehlet, Civil and Environmental Engineering
    •    Thomas Kohnke, Civil and Environmental Engineering
    •    Eileen Panguito, Biomedical Engineering

Faculty Awards

External awards, major UC Daivs campuswide awards and nominations as fellows or senior/distinguished members of societies announced between July 1, 2023, and June 30, 2024 are included below. 

  • Biological and Agricultural Engineering
  • •    Shamim Ahamed, UC Davis Hellman Fellow
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • •    Gerard Arino-Estrada, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Nuclear and Plasma Sciences Society Radiation Instrumentation Early Career Award
    •    Simon Cherry, UC Davis Lifetime Achievement in Innovation Award
    •    Jinyi Qi, Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging (SNMMI) Edward J. Hoffman Award | SNMMI Henry N. Wagner, Jr. Image of the Year Award
    •    Julie Sutcliffe, SNMMI Henry N. Wagner, Jr. Image of the Year Award
    •    Aijun Wang, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE) College of Fellows
    •    Xianglong Wang, American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE) Pacific Southwest Section (PSW) Outstanding Early Career Teaching Award
  • Chemical Engineering
  • •    Jennifer Sinclair Curtis, American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Lifetime Achievement Award
    •    Harishankar Manikantan, National Science Foundation (NSF) Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) Award
  • Civil and Enviornmental Engineering
  • •    Michele Barbato, UC Davis Innovator of the Year
    •    Ross Boulanger, International Society of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering Ishihara Lecture
    •    Colleen Bronner, UC Davis Woman & Philanthropy Impact Award | ASEE PSW Outstanding Teaching Award
    •    Patricia Mokhtarian, National Academy of Engineering
    •    George Tchobanoglous, UC Davis Emeriti Association (UCDEA) Distinguished Emeriti Award
    •    Katerina Ziotopoulou, UC Davis Graduate Program Advising and Mentoring Award
  • Computer Science
  • •    Nina Amenta, Symposium on Computational Geometry Test Of Time Award
    •    Matt Bishop, 2023 Cyber Security Hall of Fame
    •    Premkumar Devanbu, IEEE Computer Society Harlan D. Mills Award | UC Davis Graduate Program Advising and Mentoring Award
    •    Isaac Kim, NSF CAREER Award
    •    Kwan-Liu Ma, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Fellow
    •    Slobodan Mitrović, NSF CAREER Award
    •    Setareh Rafatirad, UC Davis Chancellor's Fellowship for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
    •    Cindy Rubio González, UC Davis Chancellor's Fellow
  • Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • •    Ralph Algazi, UCDEA Distinguished Emeriti Award
    •    Chen-Nee Chuah, American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Fellow
    •    Soheil Ghiasi, National Academy of Inventors Senior Member
    •    Juan Sebastian Gomez-Diaz, UC Davis Graduate Program Advising and Mentoring Award
    •    Saif Islam, SPIE Aden and Marjorie Meinel Technology Achievement Award
    •    Gary May, Georgia Tech College of Engineering Hall of Fame
    •    Erkin Seker, UC Davis Distinguished Teaching Award for Graduate and Professional Teaching
    •    Renetta Tull, Sacramento Business Journal Champion for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
  • Materials Science and Engineering
  • •    Klaus van Benthem, American Ceramic Society Fellow
    •    Amir Saeidi, UC Davis Public Scholarship Faculty Fellow
    •    Yayoi Takamura, IEEE Senior Member
  • Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
  • •    Jean-Pierre Delplanque, UC Irvine School of Engineering Hall of Fame
    •    Mohsen Habibi, Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) David Dornfeld Manufacturing Vision Award
    •    Christina Harvey, David and Lucile Packard Foundation Packard Fellowship in Science and Engineering
    •    Barbara Linke, ASME Fellow
    •    Vinod Narayanan, UC Davis Graduate Program Advising and Mentoring Award
    •    Jonathon Schofield, NSF CAREER Award
    •    Rich Whittle, Aerospace Medical Association (AsMA) Associate Fellow

College of Engineering Retirements

  • Faculty Retirements
  • •    Rob Chai, Civil and Environmental Engineering
    •    Stephanie Dungan, Chemical Engineering
    •    Mohamed Hafez, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering
    •    Charles Hunt, Electrical and Computer Engineering
    •    Randall O'Reilly, Computer Science
    •    Phil Rogaway, Computer Science
    •    Geoff Schladow, Civil and Environmental Engineering
    •    Scott Simon, Biomedical Engineering
    •    Felix Wu, Computer Science
  • Staff Retirements
  • •    Rosalind Hyde, Biomedical Engineering
    •    Paula Lee, Dean's Office
    •    Rita Elizabeth Reber, Electrical and Computer Engineering
    •    Victor Reveles, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering 
If you believe an award, recognition or milestone is missing from this list, please email