Freshman aggie advising

Aggie Advising for First Years

Be sure you have completed Aggie 101 before you begin the Aggie Advising Canvas Modules. 

Take your Placement Exams

Your placement results are critical to choosing the proper courses for Fall quarter, take your placement exams during the placement exam window: TBA

  • Math 
  • Go to the Math Placement website here for more information on how and when to take the exam. All students who register in MAT 12 or 21A, are required to take the Mathematics Placement Exam. 
  • Chemistry 
  • Go to the Chemistry Placement website here for more information on how and when to take the exam. All students who register in CHE 2A or CHE 4A are required to satisfy the Chemistry Placement Requirement.
  • Writing
  • Students who have not satisfied Entry Level Writing Requirement (ELWR) prior to coming to UC Davis are required to take the UC Davis Writing Placement Survey. More information can be found here.
  • Computer Science
  • Students interested in taking Computer Science 36A at UC Davis are required to take a Computer Science Placement exam. More information can be found here.

Complete Aggie Advising Canvas Modules

All incoming first year students must complete Aggie Advising Modules in Canvas. You’ll find resources and tips to help you navigate the university, build and balance your first quarter schedule, and start satisfying the requirements you’ll need to graduate. More information, including log-in directions, will be sent to your UCD e-mail in May.

(OPTIONAL) Check In With Academic Advising

If you have questions not answered by the First Year Aggie Advising Modules and online resources, you have the option to discuss with an advisor. Major advisors will reach out in summer about options to connect.

Next Steps

  • Login to Schedule Builder to check your Pass time and search for the courses your advisor has recommended.
  • Check your UC Davis email and Canvas for important announcements and reminders.
  • Register for Aggie Orientation.
  • Complete the "Life as an Aggie" activity. See how current and former students describe their experiences of coming to college. Then, reflect on your own thoughts and feelings about coming to UC Davis.