Passed/Not Passed Policy Information

College of Engineering Passed/Not Passed Policy

Policy Governing Passed/Not Passed (P/NP) Grading in COE

An undergraduate student in good academic standing may opt to take specific courses on a Passed (P) or Not Passed (NP) basis, subject to academic-senate regulations (DDR A545) and the following additional restrictions in accordance with the regulations of the Faculty of the College of Engineering.

The College of Engineering P/NP Eligibility Tool is now available – Engineering students can use this tool to determine whether a course is eligible for the P/NP grade-mode option, in accordance with the above policy. 

  • P/NP grading is allowed for up to a maximum of 16 units.
  • P/NP grading is allowed for General Education (GE) courses and unrestricted electives taken outside of the College of Engineering.
  • Courses taken prior to Summer Session 1 2017 on a P/NP basis cannot be used toward GE requirement.
  • Courses in which a letter grade of D or F was received may not be repeated on a P/NP grading basis. Courses in which a grade of NP was received may be repeated on a P/NP or letter graded basis.
  • Students may not exercise P/NP grading for:  
    • any coursework offered by the College of Engineering (BIM, EAE, EBS, ECH, ECI, ECS, EEC, EME, EMS, ENG) 
    • any coursework completed for satisfaction of degree requirements (e.g., technical electives) 
  • Courses offered on only a P/NP basis (i.e. cannot be taken for a letter grade): 
    • are acceptable for specific program area degree requirements (for example: ENG 199’s) 
    • cannot be used to satisfy GE requirements (for example: EDU 181, GEL 81, MUS 141) 
  • Students can opt for P/NP grading or revert back to letter grading through the 40th day of instruction during the academic year (check the Summer Sessions website for summer deadlines). 
P-NP Policy Chart

Click to view as an accessible PDF

Exceptions to COE Policy for Previous Terms
  • Exceptions to COE Policy for Spring Quarter 2020 Only
  • In accordance with the Academic Senate Guidance on Undergraduate Passed/Not Passed (P/NP) Grading for Spring Quarter 2020, the following exceptions to the policy governing P/NP grading in COE have been made for Spring Quarter 2020. All other COE requirements and restrictions regarding P/NP grading remain unchanged.

    •  The deadline for undergraduate students to opt for P/NP grading in a course, or to revert back to letter grading, has been extended to the last day of instruction for Spring Quarter 2020 (June 4, 2020).
    •  In calculating the total number of units completed with P/NP grading per the Faculty of the College of Engineering Regulation Part II, units completed with P/NP grading during Spring Quarter 2020 will be excluded from the total allowable units.
    •  The P/NP grading option will be allowed in Spring Quarter 2020 for courses offered by the College of Engineering and any other coursework completed in satisfaction of engineering degree requirements.
    •  Undergraduates not in good standing can take specific courses on a P/NP basis in Spring Quarter 2020 subject to student petition and approval by the Dean’s Office.

    Instructions for Retroactive Grade Mode Changes for Spring 2020 Courses 
  • Exceptions to COE Policy for Summer Sessions 2020 Only
  • In accordance with the Academic Senate Guidance on Undergraduate Passed/Not Passed (P/NP) Grading for Summer Sessions 2020, the following exceptions to the policy governing P/NP grading in COE have been made for Summer Sessions 2020. All other COE requirements and restrictions regarding P/NP grading remain unchanged.

    •  The deadline for undergraduate students to opt for P/NP grading in a course, or to revert back to letter grading, has been extended to July 24, 2020 for Summer Session 1 and September 4, 2020 for Summer Session 2.
    •  In calculating the total number of units completed with P/NP grading per the Faculty of the College of Engineering Regulation Part II, units completed with P/NP grading during Summer Sessions 2020 will be excluded from the total allowable units. 
    •  The P/NP grading option will be allowed in Summer Sessions 2020 for courses offered by the College of Engineering and any other coursework completed in satisfaction of engineering degree requirements. 
    •  Undergraduates not in good academic standing can take specified courses on a P/NP basis in Summer Sessions 2020 subject to student petition and approval by the Dean's Office. . The Student Petition Form must be submitted to by July 24, 2020 for Summer Session 1 and September 4, 2020 for Summer Session 2.
  • Exceptions to COE Policy for Fall Quarter 2020 and Winter Quarter 2021 Only
  • In accordance with the Academic Senate Guidance on Undergraduate Passed/Not Passed (P/NP) Grading for Fall Quarter 2020 and Winter Quarter 2021, the following exceptions to the policy governing P/NP grading in COE have been made for Fall Quarter 2020 and Winter Quarter 2021. All other COE requirements and restrictions regarding P/NP grading remain unchanged.

    •  The deadline for undergraduate students to opt for P/NP grading in a course, or to revert back to letter grading, has been extended to the last day of instruction (December 11, 2020 for Fall 2020, and March 12, 2021 for Winter 2021).  
    •  The P/NP grading option will be allowed for courses offered by the College of Engineering and any other coursework completed in satisfaction of engineering degree requirements.
    •  P/NP grading is allowed for up to a maximum of 16 cumulative units over all quarters enrolled, not counting units earned for P/NP-only courses (e.g., ENG 199) or any P/NP units completed during Spring Quarter 2020 or Summer Sessions 2020.
    •  Undergraduates not in good academic standing can take specified courses on a P/NP basis in Fall Quarter 2020 and/or Winter Quarter 2021 subject to student petition and approval by the Dean’s Office. The P/NP Grade-mode petition must be completed by December 11, 2020 for Fall 2020, and March 12, 2021 for Winter 2021.

    Students in good academic standing do not need to petition and can use Schedule Builder to opt for P/NP grading.
  • Exceptions to COE Policy for Spring Quarter 2021 Only
  • In accordance with the Academic Senate Guidance on Undergraduate Passed/Not Passed (P/NP) Grading for Spring Quarter 2021, the following exceptions to the policy governing P/NP grading in COE have been made for Spring Quarter 2021. All other COE requirements and restrictions regarding P/NP grading remain unchanged.

    •  The deadline for undergraduate students to opt for P/NP grading in a course, or to revert back to letter grading, has been extended to the last day of instruction (June 3, 2021).
    • Undergraduates not in good academic standing can take specified courses on a P/NP basis in Spring Quarter 2021 subject to student petition and approval by the Dean’s Office. The P/NP Grade-mode petition must be completed by June 3, 2021.

    Students in good academic standing do not need to petition and can use Schedule Builder to opt for P/NP grading.
  • Exceptions to COE Policy for Summer Sessions 2021 Only 
  • In accordance with the Academic Senate Guidance on Undergraduate Passed/Not Passed (P/NP) Grading for Summer Sessions 2021, the following exceptions to the policy governing P/NP grading in COE have been made for Summer Sessions 2021. All other requirements and restrictions of the COE P/NP policy outlined above remain unchanged.

    •  The deadline for undergraduate students to opt for P/NP grading in a course, or to revert back to letter grading, has been extended to July 23, 2021, for Summer Session I, and September 3, 2021 for Summer Session II.
    •  Undergraduates not in good standing can take specified courses on a P/NP basis in Summer Sessions 2021 subject to student petition and approval by the Dean’s Office. The P/NP Grade-mode petition must be completed by July 23, 2021 for Summer Session I, and September 3, 2021 for Summer Session II. 

    Students in good academic standing do not need to petition and can use Schedule Builder to opt for P/NP grading.
  • Exceptions to COE Policy for Winter 2022 Only
  • In accordance with the Academic Senate Guidance on Undergraduate Passed/Not Passed (P/NP) Grading for Winter Quarter 2022, the following exceptions to the policy governing P/NP grading in COE have been made for Winter Quarter 2022. All other requirements and restrictions of the COE P/NP policy outlined above remain unchanged.

    •  The deadline for undergraduate students to opt for P/NP grading in a course, or to revert back to letter grading, has been extended to the last day of instruction of Winter Quarter 2022 (March 11, 2022).

    Students in good academic standing do not need to petition and can use Schedule Builder to opt for P/NP grading.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What if I took classes as P/NP during the time from Summer Session I 2017 through Winter 2020?
  • A maximum of 16 units of GE courses or unrestricted electives taken outside the College of Engineering were allowed for P/NP grading during this time. Requests exceeding 16 units or for P/NP grading in degree-program course requirements were denied.
  • What if I took classes as P/NP in Spring 2020 and/or Summer Session I/II?
  • Students taking classes with P/NP grading mode during this time are not limited to the number of units they take. These classes are not counted into the 16 unit maximum.
  • What if I took classes as P/NP in Fall 2020 (or later)?
  • Classes completed with P/NP grading in Fall 2020 and Winter 2021 were allowed up to a maximum of 16 cumulative units, over all quarters enrolled, not counting units earned for P/NP-only courses (e.g., ENG 199) or any P/NP units completed during Spring 2020 or Summer Sessions 2020.
  • What if some of my classes were only offered as P/NP? Do they count into the 16 maximum?
  • Some classes are only offered as P/NP, like certain seminar courses. If you did not petition or change the grading mode in Schedule Builder, then these units are not counted toward the 16 unit maximum. If you are not sure, ask an advisor.
  • Can I take engineering courses and required math and science courses with P/NP grading?
  • For Spring 2020 through Winter 2021, only, the P/NP grading option is allowed for all courses offered by the College of Engineering and any other coursework completed in satisfaction of engineering degree requirements. Outside of these enrollment periods, only GE courses and unrestricted electives taken outside the College of Engineering are allowed for P/NP grading.
  • I took a class as P/NP, but I did better than I expected and I want to change it to a letter grade. Can I do that?
  • Students who took classes as P/NP in Spring 2020 can request to change their grade mode retroactively. See here for the link to Instructions and Deadlines. Classes taken outside of this quarter are not approved for retroactive grade mode changes. If you have questions, ask an advisor.
  • I took a class as a letter grade, but I did not do as well as I expected and I want to change it to P/NP. Can I do that?
  • Students who took classes as a letter grade in Spring 2020 can request to change their grade mode retroactively (unless it was a repeat of a letter graded class). See here for the link to Instructions and Deadlines. Classes taken outside of this quarter are not approved for retroactive grade mode changes. If you have questions, ask an advisor.