Academic Advising


To become an academic advising program that enhances the experience of all undergraduate engineering students at the University of California, Davis, and that sets the standard for excellence in advising.


The College of Engineering’s Academic Advising Mission is to provide timely and accurate advising to cultivate connections, success, and advancement in engineering excellence. We empower and support students with achieving their educational, professional, and personal goals; and we advocate for our students and programs through campus partnerships.

Academic advisors are here to help you get the most out of your undergraduate engineering education and prepare for a successful career. Questions about majors, courses, holds, degree requirements, dismissals, or readmission? Click here for answers. Advisor contact information can also be found on this page.

Academic Advising in the EUO

The advisors in the Engineering Undergraduate Office (EUO) are here to help with college and university requirements, as well as help planning your academic and career goals. 

Schedule a one-on-one appointment with an EUO advisor to discuss:

  • Career, major, and minor exploration
  • General Education requirements
  • College or university petitions
  • Academic probation and subject to dismissal statuses
  • Retroactive changes
  • Readmission/Withdrawal
  • Late dropping a course

Academic Advising About Your Major

Contact the program advisor in your department who can help you with:

  • Academic planning
  • Major degree requirements
  • Department petitions
  • Options when you are in academic difficulty

You’ll meet the program advisor in your department at UC Davis Orientation. You will find out more then about the advising program and who your faculty advisor is or how to choose one.

Faculty advisors can help with:

  • Career goals
  • Choice of major
  • Field of specialization
  • Elective courses

Advising Options

  • Scheduling an advising appointment
  • TO SCHEDULE WITH YOUR MAJOR ADVISOR: If you have a major advising hold, please make your appointment with your major advisor at or you can check or Oasis homepage for details about how to contact your major advisor. Details regarding whom you should meet with to release your hold can be found in Schedule Builder/
    TO SCHEDULE WITH AN EUO ADVISOR: If you would like to make an appointment with an advisor in the Engineering Undergraduate Office, you can use the online Advising Appointment System to schedule if you are currently an active Engineering student. If you are an inactive student, please send an email to with a few dates and times that work for you. Note: Appointments with EUO advisors are offered on a weekly basis. Express Advising is available daily. 
  • Express Advising
  • If you have quick and urgent questions, advisors are available for quick 15 minute appointments via Express Advising: