A model of a COVID-19 spike protein

Engineering for All

We strive to leave no communities behind, developing engineering solutions and accessible technologies that improve the quality of life for all.

Humankind’s most significant challenges have varying impacts across the communities that comprise our cities, state, nation, and world. Economic, geographic, and health disparities mean substantial differences in our abilities to respond to events such as extreme weather, disease transmission, and mobility. Equitable technologies and engineering solutions that address such impacts recognize must work across disciplinary boundaries in partnership with impacted communities to address community needs effectively.

Cross-campus collaboration leads to ‘smart prosthetics’

An interdisciplinary team of UC Davis scientists and plastic and reconstructive surgeons is collaborating to help improve quality of life for patients with upper limb amputations. They are utilizing a novel amputation surgical procedure and smart prosthetics to help patients better control their residual muscles, receive sensory feedback and reduce limb pain.

Prosthetic device

Research in Action

UC Davis Joins Other UCs in New Network to Promote Open Source Software

A $1.85 million grant from the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation connects UC Davis researchers with peers from five other UCs to build a system-wide network of open source program offices to better educate and sustain the UC open source software community.

E-SEARCH Opens Doors to Higher Education

Initiated as part of the College of Engineering’s Next Level strategic vision for education, E-SEARCH pairs undergraduate engineering students with graduate researchers, aiming to equip students with the tools they will need for success in graduate school or careers in engineering.

Horizon Lines

Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Kari Watkins leads a project to turn the UC Davis campus into the world’s premier living-learning lab for researching bike and bus infrastructure.

Engineering a better world calls for solutions of a different caliber, demanding innovation across disciplines using a design-centric approach.

We employ and develop intelligent systems and automation, tools at the nano-and-micro- scales and technologies for the greater good that will revolutionize energy systems, strengthen climate resilience, advance human health and transform mobility to bring a sustainable, healthier and more resilient world within reach.