2023 College of Engineering Outstanding Staff Award Recipients
Each year, the UC Davis College of Engineering recognizes and honors staff members who show a strong commitment to the mission and vision of the college and consistently perform above and beyond expectations.
Nominations are submitted by peers in departments, units and centers the nominees work with and the award winners are selected by a committee of staff members that includes winners from previous years. Each winner will be recognized during the College of Engineering's Staff Appreciation event on June 22 at the Engineering Student Design Center Plaza.
The recipients of the 2023 Outstanding Staff Award are:

Lisa Laughter
First Year Academic Advisor, Engineering Undergraduate Office
As an academic advisor in the Engineering Undergraduate Office, Laughter provides comprehensive support to first-year students. She collaborates with departments and faculty committees to implement best practices and coordinate advising services prior to students' arrival on campus. She coordinates the college’s portions of orientation, conducts workshops on adjusting to college and academic expectations, and offers ongoing individualized advising to promote student success.
"My nominee served staff by selflessly taking on three essential roles at a time of staff turnover – executing these duties seamlessly while maintaining a positive attitude," said one nomination for Laughter. "They foster a climate of mutual respect and collaboration in which individual opinions are valued and appreciated. Their leadership style is consultative, collaborative and collegial: strengthening relationships that are vital across the college."
In addition to her advisor role, she serves as the secretary for the college's Undergraduate Educational Policy Committee and co-supervisor of a team of peer advisors. She has held numerous interim positions, both as the assistant director of advising and policy for 11 months and as the director for six months.
Throughout her time with the College of Engineering, Laughter has been dedicated to providing a holistic student experience by connecting students to academic and personal resources – both on and off campus. Her leadership positions and diverse responsibilities have advanced the college's advising services and fostered even greater student achievement.

Reuben Castelino
Unit IT Lead, Dean's Office
Castelino provides support for faculty, staff and students across the college, primarily as the unit IT lead for the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. Some of his responsibilities include desktop support, automation development, asset management and network administration. He also manages the IT department's budget for upgrades and acts proactively regarding changing IT needs, software and hardware purchases and licensing opportunities.
Castelino's positive attitude and engagement with the college through participation in events, socials, town halls and charettes are instrumental in helping fellow staff members feel engaged and welcomed in the college community.
"Reuben really cares about making our department community a wonderful place to work," said a nomination for Castelino that was submitted by 10 college faculty and staff. "One example is that he has taken on the task of caring for the plants in our lobby and office and taking them to the 'plant hospital' (his home) to revive them and then brings them back for the rest of the staff to enjoy and appreciate. It's little things like this where Reuben silently steps up and contributes to our staff community, making us smile and have a more beautiful place to work."
His kindness, compassion, positive attitude and genuine kindness show up time and time again, creating a positive work environment for those around him.

Ryan Gorsiski
Student Services Manager and Graduate Programs Coordinator, Chemical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering
Gorsiski serves as both the Student Services Manager and the Graduate Programs Coordinator for the Departments of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering. He's responsible for the graduate programs in both departments and leading the student services team that includes two advisors, two student assistants and one administrative assistant.
Despite encountering turnover around him over the past two years, Gorsiski continued to excel and provide outstanding service to graduate students.
"Ryan flourished in challenging circumstances and went beyond his responsibilities to establish new initiatives such as quarterly check-ins, info sessions with admitted students help their transition to UC Davis," one nominator said.
As a Student Services Manager, he leads to ensure all the resources available to students are accessible and beneficial. This involves working to support his team by hiring student workers, scheduling courses, textbook orders, website changes, and much more.
As a Graduate Programs Coordinator, he's responsible for the funding of graduate students including selecting and hiring teaching assistants, overseeing the admission process, and general administrative and advising services for graduate students and faculty in both departments.
In addition, Gorsiski served as the co-chair for the College of Engineering's Advising Staff Networking Group and as co-chair of the Professional Development for the Graduate Studies Advisory Committee.