Event Date
The Engineering Design Showcase is the culminating experience for graduating seniors. Our 2022 showcase will take place in-person and virtually and feature student teams and design projects from all eight departments.
In-person: June 2, 1-4 p.m. U Center
Our in-person showcase is a unique chance to interact in-person with undergraduate students, evaluate their posters and observe their prototypes. This event will follow all COVID-related public health guidelines.
Virtual: June 2 at 9 a.m. to June 3 at 12 p.m., Online
A dedicated website will feature student posters and demonstration videos.
All evaluations, whether you attend in-person or virtually, will be submitted online. Technical experience is not necessary.
Show your support by reviewing projects and sharing feedback on posters, overview videos and other project materials.
Contact engineeringevents@ucdavis.edu for questions.