Photo: Lucy Knowles/UC Davis
Picnic Day is a longstanding UC Davis tradition to showcase the great breadth and excellence of all that UC Davis brings to the community of Davis and beyond. This year, the College of Engineering's students, faculty and staff will host 15 interactive events across Kemper Hall, Bainer Hall, Academic Surge and in the Sciences Lecture Hall on Saturday, April 21. This year's theme, "Where the Sun Shines,” was chosen by the Picnic Day Board of Directors to highlight the sunny and bright environment of UC Davis and the cheerful people who live and work here. The complete schedule for Picnic Day 2018 is available online. In support of the university's ongoing efforts towards sustainability, a new Picnic Day app for iOS and Android is also available this year. For the second year in a row, Picnic Day also coincides with UC Davis Give Day. Visitors who donate to the College of Engineering on Give Day are encouraged to stop by the College of Engineering Alumni and Prospective Student Drop-In on the North Bainer Lawn for engineering swag and a social shout-out. Below are the scheduled events specific to the College of Engineering. Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook for live updates from students, faculty, and staff on Saturday.
College of Engineering Schedule of Events
Smart, Safe and Environment-Friendly Farming
Bainer Hall, room 1330
10 AM - 2 PM
Discover the latest technology and engineering solutions for a safe, productive, efficient and environment-friendly agriculture.
Interactive Electronic Exhibits!
Kemper Hall Lobby
10 AM–3 PM
Play the mysterious Theremin, challenge a friend to Whack-A-Mole, experience the Wonder Wall, or play 3D tic tac toe! See at 3D Bionic Arm or play SwarmBots!
Engineering Student Design Center
Bainer Hall 1220-1230
10 AM–2 PM
Come see our shop with all of our machine tools. Spin a Gyroscope. Watch a 3D printer in action.
Shaking and Moving the Earth with Civil Engineers
Ghausi Hall Lobby
10 AM–2 PM
Build K’nex structures and test them under earthquake conditions; create an earthquake; sculpt mountains and break dams with our augmented reality sandbox.
College of Engineering Alumni and Prospective Student Drop-In
Bainer Hall North Lawn
10 AM–1 PM
Visit the College of Engineering outside of the Engineering Student Design Center, grab some swag and receive a social shout-out!
Chemical Engineering Alumni Barbecue
Crocker Nuclear Laboratory Lawn
11 AM–2 PM
The Chemical Engineering Department welcomes graduates to the annual Alumni BBQ! This is an opportunity for Alumni to reconnect, network, and socialize with peers.
Kids Crafts
Courtyard in front of Bainer Hall and Roessler Hall
10 AM–2 PM
Join the AIChE community in a craft for everyone! We will be creating silly putty with borax and Elmer's glue!
Materials Magic Show - SPACE IS LIMITED
Sciences Lecture Hall 123
11 AM–1:30 PM
The Material Advantage Student Chapter presents a magic show for all ages using science! Shows at 11 AM, 12 PM and 1 PM.
Liquid Nitrogen Sorbert
Courtyard between Bainer Hall and North Hall
10 AM–2 PM
What happens when you mix AIChE, dairy, and Science? Come over for the best Liquid Nitrogen concocted sorbet around!
Professional Photoshoot
Bainer Hall 1062
10 AM–1 PM
Come dressed up to have your photo taken for your professional networking purposes!
Game Dev Homemade Arcade
Kemper Hall Lobby
9 AM–5 PM
Play a collection of video games made by the club! Face off against the creators, or talk about the process!
Flight Simulator and Aerospace Displays
Academic Surge 1113
10 AM–2 PM
Visit the UC Davis Center for Human, Robotics, Vehicle Integration and Performance Lab to fly an aircraft simulator and view aerospace displays!
Electric Vehicle Showcase
Outside Bainer and Roessler Hall
9 AM–2 PM
Discover innovative electric vehicles! Our expert team will satisfy your curiosity about alternative fuel vehicles. Kid friendly!
Rube Goldberg
Hart Hall 1150
10 AM–3 PM
Are you interested in intricate ways to get things done? Come to see a Rube Goldberg and maybe even make one for yourself!
Biomedical Hall of Innovation
1127 Kemper
11:30 AM–2:50 PM
Come experience how biomedical heroes of today save tomorrow with cutting-edge technology. It’s out of this world.