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About the Speaker:
Elizabeth Hillman is a Herbert and Florence Irving Professor within the Zuckerman Mind Brain Behavior Institute, and the Departments of Biomedical Engineering and Radiology at Columbia University. Prof Hillman trained in Physics and Medical Physics at University College London, and completed post-doctoral work at Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School. She moved to Columbia University in 2006 to establish the Laboratory for Functional Optical Imaging. Her research program encompasses the development and application of high-speed imaging and microscopy techniques that use light and optics to capture information about living tissues, particularly the living brain. She has leveraged these technologies to study brain-wide neural dynamics in diverse organisms, from worms and fruit flies to awake, behaving mice and humans. Recent recognitions for her work include the 2018 SPIE Biophotonics Technology Innovator Award and 2020 Royal Microscopical Society Mid-Career Scientific Achievement Award.