LEADR Program Receives Scholarship Funding from NACME
Ralph Aldredge, associate dean for undergraduate studies at the UC Davis College of Engineering, and Tanya Whitlow, director of the Leadership in Engineering Advancement, Diversity and Retention (LEADR) program, secured scholarship funding from the National Action Council for Minorities in Engineering (NACME), with matching funds provided by the college and the Offices of the Chancellor and Provost.
“NACME has a strong history of support for minority students in particular - that’s their focus. They don’t just provide the scholarship money, but there are multiple resources available to the students who receive this funding. NACME scholars will have access to resources beyond what LEADR is already offering,” said Aldredge. “NACME wants to improve outcomes. They are particularly interested in increasing diversity not just among those who enroll, but also among those who graduate.”
The LEADR programs’ mission is to recruit, retain, and graduate a diverse population of undergraduates from the College of Engineering. Beginning this fall, 24 LEADR students will receive a $2,500 NACME scholarship each year.
Five of these students will also receive an additional $1,000 if they participated in a summer bridge program, such as LEADR Summer Bridge, a five-day transitional program for incoming first-year students who meet the eligibility criteria for LEADR. Held before the start of fall quarter, students and upper-division peer mentors spend the week building community and learning about the transition from high school to the university, with an engineering focus.
LEADR is one of two undergraduate retention programs in the college, along with the AvenueE program that supports engineering transfers.
“We are always looking for opportunities to support our students with grant funding from government organizations and private donors so we can provide more students the opportunity for retention support,” said Aldredge.
Aside from the scholarship, students will receive access to events, webinars and opportunities to participate in academic excellence and technical training. NACME’s Board of Directors will offer webinars and workshops throughout the academic year to ensure NACME scholars are aware of the technical subject areas that will allow them to apply for more competitive opportunities in today’s market. There is also an emphasis on professional preparedness that includes corporate networking events, webinars and workshops on interviewing skills, designing resumes, LinkedIn page development and virtual career fairs.
All LEADR students are eligible to receive a NACME scholarship. The most competitive applicants will have demonstrated passion for helping to increase the participation of under-represented minorities in engineering, as reflected in reference letters and a personal statement explaining why this is important to them and what they have done in the past to support this goal.
“NACME is a great partner for UC Davis and the College of Engineering. The resources NACME provides help support the financial security of our students and complement the focus of the LEADR program on student retention and academic success,” said Aldredge.