Graduating Senior Muhammad D Arshad '22 Embraces Hope and Failure

Where many might fear failure, Muhammad D Arshad, a graduating senior studying civil engineering, embraces it. He believes that failure, combined with a bit of hope, will result in success.
"Success is directionally proportional to failures while hope is a constant," he said. "The equation of success is incomplete without failure, so never be afraid to take bigger initiatives and fail big."
This belief got him through to the graduation finish line, even when he had stressful midterms or coursework. He focused on his strengths instead of being bogged down by weaknesses during his undergraduate career.
His favorite memory made at the College of Engineering is one of camaraderie and overcoming failure. After Arshad and a fellow student believed they did poorly on a midterm, they decided to get a snack to cure their blues.
"Our depression only lasted through our walk from Wellman Hall to Guads Tacos," he said. "By the time we got our food, we were already laughing at each other's failure and celebrating with tacos. We learned to celebrate failure, not lose hope, and we performed well in the class overall."
Now, graduate school is just around the corner. But first, he plans to take a well-earned vacation.