Archived Events

How Curious!

Abigail Hering, Materials Science and Engineering

Presenting: Forecasting halide perovskite degradation with machine learning

Toulik Maitra, Chemical Engineering

Presenting: Rethinking Inelastic Neutron Scattering Spectra Analysis - A Progressive Approach for Phonon Analysis of Organic Electronic Materials

Andrew Arends, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Presenting: Astronaut-Powered Laundry Machine

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How Curious!

Mansha Dubey, Materials Science and Engineering

Presenting: Humidity driven response of charge carrier lifetimes in halide perovskites

Yuankai Zhu, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Presenting: Scheduling and Trajectory Planning for Multiarm Harvesters

Siddharth Sonti, Chemical Engineering

Presenting: Elucidating the fluxionality and dynamics of zeolite-confied Au nanoclusters using machine learning potential

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