Professor of Teaching Vision Seminar: "Promoting student learning experience through the lens of a faculty mindset" by Dr. Ayumi Manawadu

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3102 Ghausi Hall


In this talk, I aim to outline my vision for teaching, scholarly activities, and fostering diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI). As an instructor, I firmly believe that each class and its students are unique. Therefore, I envision teaching success as creating an inclusive and interactive classroom through adaptable and diverse teaching methods that build a platform for exchanging innovative ideas and knowledge. I intend to discuss my experience and future plans in implementing different instructional strategies in teaching various graduate and undergraduate-level classes.

In terms of scholarly activities, I intend to look at instructional practices from a faculty mindset perspective. In a growth mindset environment, the instructor believes students can enhance their learning abilities through effort, perseverance, and different teaching styles. In contrast, in a fixed mindset environment, instructors perceive intelligence and ability as fixed traits that do not evolve. However, it is crucial to recognize that not all students have equal access to resources. I plan to discuss the potential of technology in bridging this gap within a growth mindset classroom and its impact on enhancing the learning experience for diverse student groups.

Additionally, I am a proponent of creating opportunities for historically underrepresented groups in STEM. I believe equitable resources and mentorship are essential to improve the student learning experience. I plan to discuss my extensive work and future plans to promote DEI, fostering a welcoming and inclusive learning environment.


Ayumi Manawadu is a Scholarly Assistant Professor in civil engineering at Washington State University (WSU). She obtained her Ph.D. and M.S. in Civil Engineering from WSU in 2022 and 2019, respectively, and earned a B.S. in Civil Engineering from the University of Peradeniya, Sri Lanka, in 2015. Her current work focuses on the development of carbon-neutral concrete using nano-surface-modified biochar. For her Ph.D., she developed a novel Mode II fracture test to analyze the quality of shotcrete-concrete interface bonds. For her master’s study, she has developed a contact mechanics-based testing technique to detect low-velocity collisions on concrete using smart piezoelectric sensors. She has received a few research and teaching-related awards and grants, including the WSU John Osborne Outstanding Dissertation Award, AAAS/Science Program for Excellence in Science Award, WSU Voiland College of Engineering Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award, and has been named a CEE Rising Star by MIT. In addition, she has received the ASCE/SEI Futures Fund Tier 1 Young Professional Scholarship, the Society of Women Engineers’ Outstanding Collegiate Member Award, and was named an ACI Emerging Young Professional Leader.


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