Undergraduate students who need a signature from the dean or other leadership should contact the Engineering Undergraduate Office at engugrad@ucdavis.edu. Looking for an academic advisor? Click here.
Advising Questions and Answers
Have a question? Below are answers to some of the frequently asked questions our office receives.
If you still have more questions, contact the Engineering Undergraduate Office.
To quickly access a category, select one of the following:
Academic Difficulty | Majors | Courses | Mandatory Advising | Degree Requirements
Academic Difficulty
- What should I do if I think I am not going to pass my classes?
First of all, don’t panic. Your advisors are here to help you through this. Experiencing academic difficulty is incredibly common, you are not alone. First things first, make sure you ask for help. Reach out to one of your advisors, and we will help you figure out a good path forward.
Depending on when in the quarter you become worried about your grades there may be support services to help get you back on track such as: The Office of Educational Opportunity and Enrichment Services, campus tutoring resources, Student Disability Center, Office of Student Support and Judicial Affairs, and Student Health and Counseling Services.
If you are reading this and you have already finished your classes, please note that no student is ever dismissed without a chance to appeal their dismissal. You will get an email sent to your UCD email account with a message explaining your academic standing and giving you instructions on next steps. It is critical that you take the steps outlined in your email or you may be dismissed for not responding. In Engineering those steps are filling out a form to explain more about what was happening and submitting any documents that might give more context about your situation. After committee review, you receive the final decision, and then you can schedule a time to talk with an Engineering Undergraduate Office (EUO) advisor so you can work together to make a plan for your return to good standing.If you are worried about your standing, you can always to talk to an advisor. You are encouraged to talk to both major advisors and your EUO advisors. Major advisors can help you adjust and reconfigure your schedule if needed and may have tips on what courses to take together to have more academic success. EUO advisors will help you through figuring out how to repair your GPA and plans to make up any units as needed.
If you'd like to hear a student perspective about going through academic difficulty, please watch this video and view these additional resources provided by UC Davis Undergraduate Education.- What do I do if I have been dismissed and what do I need to do to be readmitted?
- The academic notice and dismissal policies outlined in the General Catalog will be rigorously enforced according to the following guidelines:
Academic Notice & Dismissal
If you are on academic notice (AP) or subject to academic disqualification (SD) at the end of a given quarter please visit the Registrar's website here to find out more details about the potential of dismissal.
Dismissed students and those who withdrew while not in good academic standing should refer to the following guidelines before applying for readmission. These guidelines will be strictly enforced to ensure that you have prepared adequately to resume your studies at UC Davis. Detailed information about the readmission application is available on the Registrar’s Website.
• Readmission Guidelines (PDF)
• Transfer Out Options (PDF)
Second and Final Dismissal
If you have been dismissed and readmitted, you may have up to three quarters to return to good academic standing. You may be dismissed in the first or second quarter following readmission if you have not established a clear trajectory toward regaining good academic standing and completing your major. You will be dismissed promptly if you are subject to disqualification after completing the third quarter following readmission.
A second dismissal is final and means you may not enroll at any University of California campus. Subsequent applications for readmission will not be approved. If you are no longer subject to academic disqualification at the end of the third quarter following readmission, a second and final dismissal could still occur later according to the guideline for dismissal stated above under Dismissal.
Please Note: Dismissal and readmission of students according to the guidelines outlined above shall be ultimately at the discretion of the Associate Dean of the College of Engineering for Undergraduate Studies. - Can I appeal my dismissal?
- Yes. Read the guidelines below on instructions on how to appeal.
• Guidelines for Appealing Dismissal
If your appeal is denied, or even if you choose to accept your dismissal, there is important information you should know – including details on readmission. The document below has information you may find helpful. Please be sure to consult with an advisor in the Engineering Undergraduate Office (1050 Kemper) for more details.
• Information for Students Leaving UC Davis - How can I determine my academic standing?
- Academic standing is determined by your grades and your minimum progress toward degree. Click here for more information.
- Where do I find additional resources?
- Please reference the following document to find resources for academic, health, and social wellbeing. Click here for more information.
- How do I change my major into the COE as a freshman admit?
- If planning to change your major, or add an additional major, you are required to complete a Change of Major webform. The Change of Major webform will be submitted to the appropriate advisors.
In order to change your major to, or to double major with, a major in the College, you must satisfy requirements that have been established by the College of Engineering faculty:
For students that matriculated to UC Davis as a Freshman:
1. Be a registered student and have completed at least one quarter (minimum of 12 units) at UC Davis
2. Have completed not more than 135 cumulative units (excluding AP/IB/A-Level units); students who have completed more than 135 units will be considered on an appeal basis only
3. Be in good academic standing and meet minimum progress requirements
4. Have received a letter grade for all courses that satisfy Engineering degree requirements
5. Have met the following:
a. completed at least the following five courses: MAT 21A,B,C; PHY 9A**; and CHE 2A* and
b. a GPA of 2.0 or higher in all completed MAT, PHY, BIS, and CHE courses required for your intended major, and have received a C- or better in each of these courses. For Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Biomedical Engineering a 2.8 GPA or higher is required.
6. Have no grade lower than a C- in any completed engineering course required for your intended major(s) taken at UC Davis
7. Have a 2.0 or higher UC GPA in completed engineering courses. For Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Biomedical Engineering must have a 2.8 UC GPA or higher in completed engineering courses.
8. For Computer Science and Engineering a 3.0 overall UC GPA or higher is required.
9. Some departments may require additional course requirements to change to their major. Please consult the department website.
*Students changing their major into Computer Engineering are not required to take CHE 2A.
**Students changing their major into Computer Science are not required to take PHY 9A. - How do I change my major into the COE as a transfer admit?
- If planning to change your major, or add an additional major, you are required to complete a Change of Major webform. The Change of Major webform will be submitted to the appropriate advisors.
In order to change your major to, or to double major with, a major in the College, you must satisfy requirements that have been established by the College of Engineering faculty:
For students that matriculated to UC Davis as a Transfer Student:
1. Be a registered student and have completed at least one quarter (minimum of 12 units) at UC Davis
2. Have completed not more than 135 cumulative units (excluding AP/IB/A-Level units); students who have completed more than 135 units will be considered on an appeal basis only
3. Be in good academic standing and meet minimum progress requirements
4. Have received a letter grade for all courses that satisfy Engineering degree requirements
5. Have completed all transfer admission coursework and GPA requirements for the intended major for the term originally admitted to UC Davis
(Please see https://www.ucdavis.edu/admissions/transfer/major-requirements-college-engineering for required courses and technical GPA for your admission year and for your intended major). For students who have not completed all transfer admission requirements at their previous institution, they must earn a 2.0 GPA or higher in these remaining courses at UC Davis, and receive a C- or better in each of these courses. For Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Biomedical Engineering a 2.8 GPA or higher is required.
6. Have no grade lower than a C- in any completed engineering course required for your intended major(s) taken at UC Davis
7. Have a 2.0 UC GPA or higher in completed engineering courses. For Aerospace Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, and Biomedical Engineering must have a 2.8 UC GPA or higher in completed engineering courses.
8. For Computer Science Engineering a 3.0 overall UC GPA or higher is required. - How do I declare a double major?
- The process to declare a double major is the same as declaring a single major. Students who wish to add an additional major are required to complete a Change of Major webform. The Change of Major form must be submitted to the appropriate advisors.
Double majors within the College of Engineering will be allowed with the exception of the following combinations:
1. Computer Science & Engineering (ECSE) and Computer Science (ECSI & LCSI)
2. Computer Science & Engineering (ECSE) and Electrical Engineering (EEEL)
3. Computer Science & Engineering (ECSE) and Computer Engineering (ECOM)
Please note: Three or more College of Engineering majors will not be approved. - How do I change from a major in the College of Engineering to a major in another college?
- 1. First, you must meet the academic requirements of the intended major and receive the appropriate approvals.
2. Complete the Change of Major webform.
Please note: permission to transfer from one college to another may be denied or deferred if you are not in good academic standing and/or you have a GPA of less than 2.0 in courses that are required by the new major. - Can I change my major if I am not in good academic standing?
- In order to change your major (either within College of Engineering or to a major in another College) you must be in good academic standing—both for your GPA and minimum progress. If you are not in good standing, think carefully about your decision to change your major. Visit the advisor in your intended major to learn more about the program and to discuss the requirements you first must satisfy in order to enter that major. Be realistic and make sure that you will be able to sustain stronger academic performance in the new major. A complete list of majors offered at UC Davis is available on the Undergraduate Admissions website.
Once you have returned to good academic standing, you may then submit a Change of Major webform. Double check with your intended major to verify that you still qualify to enter that major. If you are unsure, you may want to meet with advisors at the Undergraduate Office in 1050 Kemper Hall during express advising.
- What happens if I register for a course and I haven't taken the prerequisite course(s)?
Prerequisite requirements for every course are listed in the General Catalog, Schedule Builder, or the Class Search Tool.
For Fall 2017 registration and beyond, Schedule Builder will check to see if students have completed the required prerequisites for all courses. Instructors have the right to drop students from a class if they have not completed the appropriate prerequisites.
For more information about the automated prerequisite checking process and how to submit a petition, please visit Student Information on Prerequisites.
- How do I enroll in Open Campus Courses?
- Open Campus courses are UC Davis courses offered to the general community through UC Extension. UC Davis students may be required to take Open Campus courses as part of their readmission expectations.
To enroll in UC Davis courses through Open Campus, students must follow the procedure below:
1. Complete one enrollment form per course. You can find the forms and Open Campus Policies at: https://cpe.ucdavis.edu/open-campus/forms.
2. Obtain a signature from the instructor of the course. Please email your form, approved by your instructor, to your readmission advisor. If you do not have a readmission advisor, or do not remember who they are, then please email the form to engugrad@ucdavis.edu.
3. Obtain a signature from the EUO.
Before your enrollment is granted:
- You must meet the prerequisites for each course requested.
- There must be more than 1 seat available in the course.
- There is no option to waitlist course via open campus so there must be open seats.
Please note:
- Open Campus courses are considered not in residence for the Senior Residency requirement. You can learn more about the Senior Residency degree requirement here: https://engineering.ucdavis.edu/degree-requirements
- You may only take up to 8 units in any term. College of Engineering regulations state that students may only take 16 units total of all coursework through Open Campus. Taking units in excess of 16 will require petitioning to use those units and may cause delays to your time to degree completion.
- Open Campus courses will not appear in OASIS while you are enrolled and these courses are not automatically added to your record. You must request your official Open Campus transcript to be sent to UC Davis Undergraduate Admissions to have the courses added to your record.
- Engineering courses taken through open campus will impact your engineering GPA and all open campus courses will impact your UC GPA. - Can I drop a course after the drop date?
- Requests to drop a course after the 10 or 20 day deadline may be approved by the Undergraduate Office. Such requests may be approved only for the following reasons and must be accompanied by full documentation:
1. Death in immediate family (death certificate required)
2. Large and necessary increase in work hours, at your employer’s request (signed letter from your employer on letterhead required)
3. Medical (with documentation by Student Health and Wellness Center or a licensed physician)
4. Serious personal problems (with documentation from a professional)
Late drop requests will not be approved for poor academic performance, academic difficulties, change of interest in a course, or lack of midterm results prior to the drop date.
If you feel your case fits into one of the above categories, please first consult with an adviser in the Engineering Undergraduate Office online through express advising. The advisor can evaluate your request and discuss with you the likelihood of approval. If your petition for a late drop is approved, you will be issued a permission to drop (PTD) number. You must use this PTD number to drop the course via Schedule Builder within three calendar days (or prior to 11:59pm (PT) on the last day of instruction, whichever is sooner). You will be charged a $3.00 fee for each course dropped through this procedure.
Late drops requests submitted in the 7 days preceding the start of final exams are subject to heightened scrutiny. Any such requests submitted during this time that are absent an extreme or extenuating circumstance will be denied. - Can I take some of my courses as Passed/Not Passed (P/NP)?
- For information about the College of Engineering Passed/Not Passed Policy, COVID-19-related exceptions and FAQs, please visit the P/NP Policy Information Page.
The College of Engineering P/NP Eligibility Tool is now available – Engineering students can use this tool to determine whether a course is eligible for the P/NP grade-mode option, in accordance with the College’s P/NP Policy Information Page. - Can I repeat a course more than once?
- You are allowed to repeat one time for credit a course for which you received a D+, D, D-, or F.
If you wish to repeat a course for a second time you must receive approval from the Undergraduate Office. To petition to repeat a course more than once, submit a Multiple Repeat Petition webform. Your request will then be reviewed by the Undergraduate Office in 1050 Kemper Hall within 10 business days.
Mandatory Advising
- What is mandatory advising?
- Interacting with an academic advisor early in your university career is one of the top indicators for future academic success. Your academic advisors help guide your exploration of curriculum, graduation requirements, campus policies, and assist you in making timely degree progress. Advisors are your go-to resource for navigating the university and getting connected with the programs and people that can help you achieve your goals. Mandatory advising is an opportunity to learn more about your advising team and how they can help you chart a path to success. Learn more on the mandatory advising page.
- How do I know if I am required to meet with an advisor?
- If you don’t see your advisor and have the hold cleared by the deadline, then you won’t be able to make any changes (add or drop) to your class schedule until the hold is removed and it may impact your ability to register for courses. We strongly recommend that you NOT wait until the deadline to get a hold cleared.
* Check myucdavis, Schedule Builder, and OASIS.
* Advising holds are placed each year.
* If you don’t clear the hold by the deadline you will be unable to make changes to your class schedule until the hold is removed. - When should I complete the mandatory advising appointment?
- The deadline for these meetings depends on your academic year - see the mandatory advising page for more information.
- Do I still need to meet with my Engineering Advisor if I am planning to change to a major that is not in the College of Engineering?
Yes. We encourage you to meet with your advisor to discuss your academic plans.
Students planning to change their major, or add an additional major must to complete a Change of Major webform. The Change of Major form must be submitted to the appropriate advisors.
Degree Requirements
- How do I make sure I have satisfied all requirements for completing my degree?
- As a student, it is your responsibility to satisfy degree requirements. Your major advisor can answer questions about major requirements and offer guidance either during your annual advising meetings or group advising.
Your college advisor can answer questions about general education, academic standing, P/NP policy, simultaneous enrollement and drop policies.
You can request a degree check by filling out and submitting the following Degree Check Request form:
• Degree Check Request
Then the Undergraduate Office will perform the degree check and contact you via the messaging system to update you. You can then address any questions about the degree check, curriculum issues or necessary petitions.
Make sure you file for graduation and file for commencement. - What is the minimum progress requirement?
- Minimum progress requirements are standards that define the number of units a student must satisfactorily complete each quarter to stay on track to complete their degree.
Students are expected to earn the 180-unit minimum degree requirement within 12 quarters (four years) by completing, on average, 15 units per quarter.
To meet the minimum progress requirement, a full-time regular undergraduate must pass an average of at least 12 units over all quarters of enrollment. Minimum progress is calculated at the end of each quarter (Fall, Winter, Spring). Only full-time quarters are considered.
Detailed information on the minimum progress requirement can be found on the Registrar’s page and on the College of Engineering Expected and Minimum Progress page. - How can I satisfy a General Education requirement with a course I took at another institution?
- Please submit a General Education request webform and attach a course syllabus. Your request will then be reviewed by the Undergraduate Office in 1050 Kemper Hall within 10 business days.
- How can I satisfy a major program requirement with a course I took at another institution?
- Submit the course for evaluation by the department that teaches it on the UC Davis campus, using the following form:
• Petition for Transfer Credit Evaluation (PDF)
You must also submit with your petition a course syllabus.
Ask the department to evaluate the course and bring the completed form to the Undergraduate Office in 1050 Kemper Hall or email to EUO general email: engugrad@ucdavis.edu. - Can I request an exception to a stated degree requirement?
- Yes, it is possible you may be able to request an exception to a degree requirement. Please first consult with either your program adviser or the Undergraduate Office in 1050 Kemper Hall to discuss how to proceed. The process to approve such requests depends on the kind of degree requirement you seek to petition. Regardless, however, be prepared to:
1. Provide a thorough written justification for your request
2. Submit all appropriate documentation
3. Obtain required recommendations from your major program - Can I enroll in another institution while attending UC Davis?
Undergraduates are prohibited from obtaining transfer credit for courses taken at a non-UC campus in a quarter (Fall, Winter or Spring) during which they are registered as a full-time student at UC Davis (simultaneous enrollment).†
Petitions for an exception to this policy may be approved in special situations, such as when:
- 1. Commuting to UC Davis is a hardship that prevents full participation in course activities and meeting course requirements or objectives.
- 2. There is a schedule conflict that prevents enrollment in a course required for a student close to graduation.**
- 3. It may be necessary to finish a series of related courses started at the community college.
The minimum criteria for approval are as follows:
1. Student must be in good academic standing.
2. Student must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 units at UC Davis.
3. Student must have completed at least one quarter of enrollment at UC Davis*.
Petitions for simultaneous enrollment should be submitted to the Engineering Undergraduate Office (EUO) prior to enrollment in the non-UC Davis course for which transfer credit will be sought. Documentation supporting the need for simultaneous enrollment must be uploaded with the petition, which can be found under the “Forms & Petitions” tab in OASIS. Petitions submitted after enrollment in the non-UC course will be approved only in rare circumstances, if sufficiently justified. Petitions for simultaneous enrollment during a student’s first quarter at UC Davis will not be approved.
Approval of a petition is not guaranteed. Each request is evaluated individually based on a review of the student's academic record and the special circumstances detailed in the petition. If the petition is approved, units earned are counted toward minimum progress for the quarter in which the simultaneous enrollment occurred. Please contact the EUO if you have questions about the petition.
† Note: Enrollment in courses at a non-UC campus during summer sessions or intersession terms (between Fall, Winter and Spring quarters) that do not overlap with UC Davis instructional dates is not considered simultaneous enrollment and does not require a petition.*New admits requesting to finish a series course at a community college may be approved, with confirmation from Assist.org articulations.
**Please review the University Residence Requirement, stated here.