that’s the subtitle of a letter written by Dean John D. Kemper in 1983. In the letter, Dean Kemper celebrates the College of Engineering’s accomplishments across its first 21 years and foregrounds future goals. In one passage, he reflects on how our college forged its identity not by being different but by simply doing “our own thing.”
Forty years later, that belief in doing “our own thing” remains an important part of our college’s legacy. We aren’t just engineers; we are UC Davis Aggies who are engineering a better world for all. Every aspect of what it means to be an engineer at UC Davis today was pioneered by those who came before us.
As we continue to advance our Next Level strategic vision for the college, it is important for us to look back to the past. These reflections allow us to appreciate the groundwork that enables us to meet our goals, gain insights into our strengths and celebrate our achievements. Like the surprising student history of ingenuity, collaboration and literal groundbreaking work that shaped UC Davis’ Bent Monument and stories of industry-defining innovations — and the promise of more — featured in this magazine.
Looking to the present, we are thrilled to welcome more than 15 new faculty members who bring their expertise in tissue engineering, artificial intelligence, sustainability efforts and the development of next-generation materials for space exploration, to name a few. Our Dean’s Distinguished Speaker series is also in full swing, as Theresa Maldonado, the Vice President for Research and Innovation at the University of California Office of the President, kicked us off on Nov. 6. I hope you can join me in welcoming future speakers to our beautiful campus.
Elsewhere in this issue, you will find a story of how our TEAM Lab used engineering to increase classroom accessibility for a professor, an engineer's guide to coffee and an introduction to a new class empowering our students to drive innovation through equitable solutions. We are also excited and proud to honor our 2023 Distinguished Engineering Alumni Medal recipients. Please spend some time learning about these tremendous engineers.
As I know you will discover from reading these stories, our yesterday is a tremendous legacy and our tomorrow is bright. By doing “our own thing,” we will continue to bring engineering to the Next Level.
Go Ags!
Richard L. Corsi
Dean, UC Davis College of Engineering

Above: Historical photos of UC Davis engineers throughout the decades. View more historical photos.
Engineering Solutions: TEAM Lab Enhances Classroom Accessibility with Innovative 3D-Printed Device
UC Davis history lecturer Seth Clark discovered his sight impairment made electronic tablets in classrooms challenging to use. With help from Academic Technology Services, the TEAM Lab created a 3D-printed overlay with tactile cues to aid Clark in using the devices. Their success hints at broader campus-wide accessibility initiatives through engineering.
A Second Wind
A new wave of engineering faculty builds on the college’s wind tunnel legacy to take aerospace research at UC Davis to the next level. The university’s first wind tunnel, the Atmospheric Boundary Layer, was built in 1975 inside Bainer Hall by then-new faculty member Bruce White in partnership with Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Now, a new class of aerospace faculty, namely assistant professors Camli Badrya and Christina Harvey, are on a mission to modernize the wind tunnels.
A Key to the College of Engineering's Past
The Bent Monument's design, initially a watch key, symbolizes Tau Beta Pi, the oldest U.S. engineering honor society. Erected in 1973, its installation involved student ingenuity and collaboration. The monument, now a popular photo spot, embodies UC Davis' spirit of breaking ground, collaborative excellence and looking toward the future.
Meet our New Faculty
So far this academic year, the College of Engineering has welcomed 17 new faculty members. Among several new members is a focus on artificial intelligence research, significantly advancing the college’s academic leadership in the field.
An Engineer's Guide to Coffee from Bean to Brew
For many of us, our coffee rituals are easy — push a button, pour water over fresh grounds, go to a coffee shop — but research at the UC Davis Coffee Center proves that the art and science of coffee is anything but simple. Through research conducted at the center, students are discovering how each step of the coffee process — from farm all the way to cup — affects the flavor of this beverage that many people consume every day.
Advocating for Equity in Engineering
A new course for undergraduate students in the College of Engineering at UC Davis explores the vital intersection of diversity, equity and inclusion within the engineering field. The goal: Empower future engineers to promote diversity and drive innovation through advocacy of inclusive and equitable solutions that benefit society as a whole.

Distinguished Engineering Alumni Medalists Honored at 2023 Alumni Celebration
The College of Engineering proudly recognizes alumni whose professional and personal achievements bring special honor to the college by awarding the Distinguished Engineering Alumni Medal. Recipients have a record of outstanding achievement in business, academia or public service, substantial contributions to the UC Davis community and at least 10 years of professional experience since college graduation.