Women in STEM

Blog: AvenueE Is a Compass for First-Gen Students

Senior electrical and computer engineering major Peggy Zhu reflects on her experience as a first-generation transfer student. She says the College of Engineering's AvenueE program was her north star and provided invaluable experiences to prepare her for a career in engineering.

Beneath the Surface

Oceanographer-slash-computer-scientist Maike Sonnewald discusses using artificial intelligence to build a foundation of knowledge and insight into the ocean’s role in the climate system to better predict long-range weather and help society prepare for climate change.


Technologies like ChatGPT have brought the potential of artificial intelligence into public awareness unlike ever before. In the College of Engineering, researchers show all that AI can and can be by pushing the boundaries of its foundational design and use in medicine and agriculture.

Horizon Lines

Associate Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering Kari Watkins leads a project to turn the UC Davis campus into the world’s premier living-learning lab for researching bike and bus infrastructure.