Engineering Progress Magazine Spring 2022

Message from the Dean

Richard Corsi

Spring Quarter is underway and I am excited to share more about the impactful initiatives that are ongoing and planned for the future at the College of Engineering.

Our College recently completed a robust strategic research visioning process to identify major challenges facing society and the planet, and for which we intend to make investments in future faculty, infrastructure, partnerships and more. Our intent is to be national leaders in advancing human health, transforming mobility, strengthening climate resilience and revolutionizing energy systems. We will strive to leave no communities behind by developing engineering solutions and accessible technologies that improve the quality of life for all, we will employ intelligent systems and automation through artificial intelligence and machine learning, and we will develop miniaturized technologies at the nano- and micro-scales to address and advance these four research challenges. I look forward to continuing to make significant investments to support our bold, new strategic research vision for our college throughout this year and beyond, and am excited about our continuing efforts to develop a new strategic visions focused on education and community as well. Read more→

One Small Step

Nine mechanical and aerospace engineering students from two research teams at UC Davis experienced zero gravity this December as they successfully tested two spaceflight technologies aboard two parabolic flights. The students say there’s no easy way to describe zero-g. Some called it dream-like, some said it felt like flying or swimming without limits and some compared it to a roller coaster. They can agree that it’s unlike anything they had ever experienced.

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MAE students floating in a spaceship
Students participating in a Corsi-Rosenthal box building competition

Pandemic Engineering

Since welcoming students, staff and faculty back to campus in September 2021, the College of Engineering’s commitment to the health and safety of the community is evident through agility, the leveraging of industry partnerships and the innovative approach to tapping into the power of citizen engineering.

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Hot and Cold

UC Davis engineers are innovating at high and low temperatures to enable travel at hypersonic speeds and sustainably keep food safe and fresh, respectively. Materials Science and Engineering is utilizing extreme heat for building space vehicles, while Biological and Agricultural Engineering are developing alternatives to ice cubes.

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Student in lab holding a jelly ice cube
Joelle and Michael Hurlston

From Pantries to Professions

Joelle and Michael Hurlston want all students at the University of California, Davis, to have every opportunity for a successful future. The alumni and longtime donors are giving $8 million to support Aggies along every step of their college paths, from meeting basic needs to offering the very best career development, innovation opportunities and graduate school experiences.

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Fetal Oximetry Device to Prevent Unnecessary C-sections

Potential fetal hypoxia is one reason surgeons rush in to perform a C-section. Of babies that are detected as potentially hypoxic, 60 percent are false alarms that can lead to unnecessary C-sections. Electrical and Computer Engineering Professor Soheil Ghiasi's lab has built a transabdominal fetal pulse oximeter to measure a baby's blood oxygen saturation levels non-invasively.

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overview of how transabdominal fetal pulse oximeter works
Social icons with lines connecting eachother

An Algorithm to Detect Fake News

Since the term was popularized during the 2016 election cycle, fake news has been a focal point in American politics. These inaccurate or misleading articles posing as fact have already been shown to impact elections, society and the pandemic response, so identifying and stopping them early is key to mitigating their impact. 

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Meet Our New Faculty

The College of Engineering welcomed ten new faculty in the 2021-22 academic year with diverse experience and expertise in teaching, AI/machine learning, security, pavement engineering, quantum computing, optics, food engineering and more. They are proud to join UC Davis and look forward to striking up collaborations with their new colleagues and industry to address significant engineering challenges in the 21st century.

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Faculty members at a celebration event
Life Sciences, Technology and Engineering Building East

The FOMO is Real

The whole idea of an innovation campus — devoted to catalyzing research that links UC Davis faculty with industry and community partners — depends on space that is better designed for collaboration than what we have now. Thanks to the strategic vision of the UC Davis Department of Biomedical Engineering, Aggie Square is configuring a cutting-edge makerspace that can be used by everyone from designers to surgeons to industry partners.

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Community Champion Supports Student Club

As an electrical and computer engineering alumna, Jannie Wu understands the opportunities and challenges of pursuing an engineering degree at UC Davis. Wu has been a champion in supporting student engineers and exploring ways to encourage more females to pursue a career in electrical engineering.

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Two female students
Blocking fire with a shield made at UC Davis

Engineering Superheroes

Materials Science and Engineering Professor Ricardo Castro is turning the fantastic world of superheroes into a way to inspire kids to achieve the impossible through science and engineering. Castro is a lifelong fan of superheroes, and as he passed his passion on to his young sons, he realized he could use that love for good.

Learn more about the initiative

Award plaques on a table

Laurels List

Throughout the state, nation and world our faculty are renowned for their cutting-edge discoveries and contributions to solving today’s engineering challenges. Find out about their many well-deserved recent honors, awards and recognitions.

See the recent laurels list


In Memoriam

A. James "Jim" Peterson

A. James "Jim" Peterson

As an environmental science engineer, A. James “Jim” Peterson recognized the need for hands-on learning experiences to prepare individuals to handle ecological crises effectively.

Learn more about Peterson

Dr. Ronald Soohoo

Ronald Soohoo

UC Davis’ Electrical and Computer Engineering department honors the life of its founder, professor emeritus Ronald Soohoo. Soohoo was the first department chair and a gifted instructor with research interests in microwave radiation and digital magnetic recording.

Learn more about Soohoo

Alumni Opportunities