Intelligent Systems and Automation

Dean’s Download: Discussing the Promise of AI

Dean Richard L. Corsi sits down with Professor of Computer Science Ian Davidson and Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Chen-Nee Chuah to discuss the current and near-future roles of artificial intelligence and its real and anticipated implications for society.

Your Smart TV is Watching What You Watch

If you're thinking of buying a "smart" TV for the holidays, you ought to know that your new device is constantly capturing snapshots of what's on screen and sending them back to the manufacturer — even if you are using the device as a computer monitor and not watching TV at all.

Harnessing AI to Advance Solar Cell Research

Professor of Materials Science and Engineering Marina Leite leads a team of UC Davis researchers in an AI-driven project to build foundational knowledge of halide perovskites, a promising material for solar cells.

Advancing Alzheimer Research with AI

Professor Chen-Nee Chuah leads AI/ML efforts within a multidisciplinary team that has received a $6 million grant from the National Institute on Aging to deepen the understanding of the neuropathologic landscape of Alzheimer’s disease, focusing on individuals who identify as Hispanic/Latino.